Tuesday, 18 June 2013

European Sprint Championships - Race 7

Zamosc Centre and expected finish location
This is the race I had spent most of my time preparing for.

Some time ago I was told by one of my Kvarnsveden clubmates the map extract was Zamosc - he had found a key feature on the extract and matched it to the satellite image. It confirmed a feeling I'd had for a while that the sprint would be in Zamosc, despite the lack of embargo in the city.

A bit of internet research and Googling and I felt I had pinpointed the area the race would use. In total my preparation for the race probably came close to nearly two full months of training - most likely around 130-150 hrs. Some of this includes the preparation for the middle distance, but the vast majority was spent on Zamosc.

Naturally the day before the race I was nervous. I knew most likely how the courses could be and where the route choice's would be. I had figured out the start at the stadium and the finish and spectator control in the square. I knew I could win this, no matter what came my way. So imagine my surprise when the evening before it was announced the sprint could no longer be in Zamosc due to security of the road crossings. Oh F***. With a capital F!

Narrow alley - Zamosc
Parkland - Zamosc
The new area was to be in Krasnobrod, but fortunately it was permitted to bike around the village area - not the forest. I set out for a short 30 min pedal just to get my bearings rather than suss out anything. I'm glad I did because I felt more comfortable on a couple of controls where I had been the evening before.

Come race day, I was nervous. My first 'official' outing as a red groupie. I had been in the red group some years ago for a weekend of racing due to one competitor not being present, so I was bumped up. Unlike last time, I felt I deserved my place there, and the confidence it brings.

I set off and took it steady to the first control. To the second I had a crash with a Finn who didn't see me. I didn't realise he hadn't seen me until too late. Both of us where off the bikes in different directions, and after a quick apology to each other I got my control and legged it!

Pic from Hungary last year
The end of the first route choice posed a smaller decision point. Wiggle through some houses or go around the road. The road is longer, but I can plan ahead. That's the decision then. But I got to the junction I needed, control in sight only to find a locked gate. Not just any gate. a massive whopper with spikes on the top to match the b*tch of a fence on either side. Check the map - yes it says it's possible to pass here. I turned around to return to the only entrance through the gate.

I put this upset behind me straight away. At the control I saw the Barlet FRA who started 1 min after me. This helped re-focus me quickly and I quickly got back into the race. We rode together for a bit, neither one of us really gaining a lead, but helping each other through the controls. Barlet eventually missed a path so I got a gap.

As soon as I finished I had to complain about the gate. It turned out I wasn't the only one to find a problem. After much consultation between athletes, the organiser finally decided to void the women's race. The right decision to make. I lost a full 90 secs, possibly a little more. Many others lost more time some threw their bikes over the fence.

Zamosc Map
A re-match will be held on Thursday (the rest day). We did however get to see the Zamosc maps - much to our amusement. Good courses were ruined by far too many OOB areas and forbidden routes. But I think I would have had a good result there regardless. My geeking would have paid off!
