It's been a few years since I rode in a mass start. The last was a poor experience in 2011, but before that, two in Hungary which I rather enjoyed.
My mistake in the sprint cost me a medal, and I should have stayed with Ingrid and Maja. So, I chose to play the mass start tactically. With the long distance being the 'extra' race for me, I knew I would have to do something special to pull a top 6 again. But I wasn't feeling in a special mood. The intense focus on the sprint (that was cancelled) and middle, really took it out of me mentally, so by the time I stood on the start line, I decided my race was to let the others do the work.
It sounds like a bit of a cop-out, but those were the tactics. Say with the faster group but at the back, let them make mistakes and for me to hit the controls cleanly. If I rode at a slower pace than normal, I should have enough energy and speed to maintain control at the end. Past experience has taught me most athletes in a mass start will lose time in the last controls, when they switch off/get tired/get distracted etc.
The first part of the race was to make it first to the gate out of the field, enough for 3 bikes to pass in a row, but it could potentially cause a small pile up! At the start gun, I grabbed my map and legged it towards my bike, hurdling one in front to get there smoothly. Map in, jump on bike and ride. Suddenly I realised I was the second athlete leading out of the field, not the position I wanted. Since being first to the gate was irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, I slowed down and passed out of the field in 4th. I was second on my gaffle to the first control, but with the longer forking, came in a the back of the pack at the common control. Still in the first 10 mins, everyone was still riding fast. I stayed with a group of riders who I normally beat by a good margin, but I wasn't too concerned. I planned some controls and slowly picked my way up the field. A lot of other athletes were biking very fast here only to make mistakes later.
At the 4th control I was surprised to see Hara and Laurila on their way to the next, only about 40 seconds ahead. These two are the super fast women so I knew they must have been biking fast and made a mistake. A few more controls and they were only 15 seconds ahead. Again this re-affirmed that the front pack were having a bad day and exploring the woods.
On the hill climb I didn't lose any ground to the small pack 50m ahead. Some Russians and Finns came past breathing heavily, but I just maintained my speed. At the top of the hill, the group that had gone past reappeared from a track after having made a mistake. It's all very well to bike fast, but to then lose the time on a mistake is far more mentally draining than sticking to a game plan!
A bit further on and Hara appeared from my right, another mistake from the lead group. Now I knew I was back up with them, and by the next control I was in the group again.
My plan of staying together only failed once on the course, where the map showed a valley, and on the shortest route, it was a perfectly viable option. In reality the massive ravine which was almost unclimbable in both directions, presented a bigger problem. My plan of descending on another path and shortcutting was put on hold when all the others took this path (before the ravine could be seen). Everyone lost 90 seconds here, but on the second forking it could be corrected. The only problem is that more time was gained by having the longer forking at this control second, so athletes who had the shorter control first, then gained 30-1 min on the next round. My gaffle only gained 20 secs later on.
Coming into the finish I knew I wasn't in the lead, but it seemed the field had really spread out after the ravine controls. Heading onto the next loop I tried to maintain speed but was really struggling with my legs tightening up. I was caught by Jaggi on this loop, but while she pulled a gap, a mistake in the later controls saw me finish ahead.
In the end, despite my less-than-optimal feeling I was 10th, about 2 mins behind the medals and 4 mins behind first. It's my closest long distance to date, and as expected I gained 5 places at the end of the course by keeping a cool head. There's a huge amount of room for improvement in long distance races, but for the rest of 2013, sprint and middle races will remain my focus. As for 2014, maybe I will change focus, but we will see. After a successful 2 races, the 10th in the long was a slightly bitter pill to swallow, but up there with some of my best long results. I know I'm capable of more in long races, I believe it's just a matter of focussing more mental effort on them.
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Thursday, 20 June 2013
The re-race and World Cup leader!
I'm now up to Race 9 in my 3 weeks of racing. Fairly intensive but fortunately I have the fitness to deal with it. Prior to todays race I was ranked =3rd in the world, and including today I currently lead the World Cup (based on our prelim. calculations!)
This time the race spent most time the forest, so I knew short cutting would be crucial. I also knew I have the speed to match the world's best now, so if everything went well, it could be another medal.
With my medal, bike and Orifix board! |
On the start line I saw no other option to the first 3 controls apart from short cutting completely straight. Taking a bearing, on a bike, isn't the easiest skill to master so most bearings end up being very rough and direction is generally dictated by vegetation anyway. After nailing 1, 2 and then 3 controls, I caught Stengard my 1 min woman, and Rothweiler my 2 min woman. I decided to stay with them for a few controls and see if there came any chances to make a break.
Annoyingly I got a leafy bramble plant wrapped around the lower gears, so I had hopping gears to contend with. It also meant I couldn't power through to maintain speed and I lost about 30 seconds over the next 5 controls to Stengard. Stopping to sort the problem when there are 4 of the world's best girls speeding through the forest wasn't an option. I just had to wait for the foliage to get bedded into my cassette so I could ride full speed again.
The route choice leg caught me out and I lost a minute here. I saw the right and left options but missed the middle choice. I started off the left and then changed to the middle half way. I would have lost a minute staying to the left choice anyway, so it was the plan change that cost me. Rather the lack of planning the early part of the leg. Stupid.
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Another celebratory pic! |
As I sped around the lake I could see Stengard and Rothweiler on the other side. Interestingly here my split times picked back up again and I was never far from the fastest time for the final half of the course. I lost the silver through one 'mistake'. And it wasn't even a mistake. A concentration lapse that I paid for. Big time.
Tomorrow is the long distance mass start. It's a race I've not focussed on all season, preferring to see what happens. There are a handful of really fast women, who can be slightly flakey at times with their nav, so it will be interesting to see how this race pans out. I can't wait to get head-to-head with the whole women's field and really see how the results go. I have the speed to get a result, it just depends on how well gaffled the courses are, and whether the athletes lower down the ranking list can hold their navigation together. I hope it doesn't turn into a XC course like we had some years ago.
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Yes, you read that right! I'm European Champion of the middle distance. Still not quite sunk in yet ...
After the stress of yesterday, we spent the evening relaxing being 'orienteers' and finding all the mistakes on the map. Not to complain about it, but merely for our own entertainment!
I felt much more relaxed heading into the middle distance. I couldn't help but have a few negative thoughts swirling in my head as I warmed up - 'what if I leave these championships with no top 6 places', 'Competitor X was so fast yesterday, how do they get so fast' etc. But each time the negative popped in, I batted it back out by running through my race plan and key words.
Having spent some time training and preparing for this area, I knew how to handle the technical section. I knew to slow down, take it steady, read the map all the time and get every control right. All i had to do was get it right!
Once I left the pre-start for my 1km ride to the start, I felt more focussed and the negativity was gone. Seeing the other girls waiting wasn't a distraction. But I still felt apprehensive. The first sections would be fast and simpler nav. The last part, if all went as I expected, should be harder.
On picking up the map, I knew I had prepared well. Each of the route choices I had already planned to some degree. My map work had shown where the hills where, that the top wasn't as flat as it looked. And the valleys weren't as deep as they appeared in the eastern section. I knew to go as straight as possible. Not to get tempted to take a longer option - there wouldn't be any less climb.
First control: hmm, route choice. Didn't expect that choice so soon. Ok. Go round. Pick up the yellow (new road under construction). If it's good to ride, take it. If it's bad, there's another path. Nice line into control, and good to suss out exit. Execute it.
At the first control I met Scaravonati ITA, my 4 min woman. 'Yey, good choice. Ok. Next'. I picked nice routes to the next two controls, while maintaining enough speed to get me there quick, but not so fast I couldn't see the map to plan the long 4th.
At the fourth, Scaravonati still behind. I decided to go straight. 'Yes, it's difficult tracks, probably muddy. But it's straight. And faster'. I messed up the middle section a little, just starting to take the wrong path out, but I realised quickly and ran up the hill through the forest. Once out on the main track, sorted my map for the second half (a massive 46x39 map does not fit the whole course on a 30x30 mapboard). Fortunately I've had a lot of practise over the past weeks so I could refold while moving.
Another long leg. 'Ok, go straight. Climb looks big but not steep. Same climb to go around on the road. Straight it is'. The leg ended in the start of the technical section and here I was about 30 secs or so behind the leaders. I must have slowed my pace sub-conciously here, but I'm not sure. At any rate, my pace was enough to map read well and without errors. A perfect case of letting the map reading take priority and letting the speed come naturally.
Scaravonati was still on my tail - she'd pulled back a little on the hill. Some years ago, this would have really distracted me. But today I didn't think about it. The only thought I had, was that 2 minds are better than 1, and I hoped she was at least keeping track of where we were, in case I went horribly wrong.
I was a little caught out by how green the area was. Lots of young trees in the middle of the tracks (recent rain had made them grow much thicker). Perfect bike eating trees. Rear derailleur ripping, stick-in-wheel trees. Gotta risk going through at speed. There was nothing else for it. At least the riders before me had flattened them a little. Also enough that I could see where some of the paths went. I imagine the early riders had a tough time out there.
My speed was such that I could think clearly, read where I was going and plan the next control ahead. Any more planning ahead that that wasn't worth it. I'd forget my decision. At each junction I knew which way to go in advance of being there. Perfect focus and control all the time.
Half way through I saw Barlet FRA on her way out of a control as I was going in. We met 100m away from the control, so I thought I might be seeing her again. I caught her sooner than expected. Before the next control. A few controlled shortcuts to get the best route, and I now was aware I had two people, possibly three behind. I knew Kaminska POL was around as I had seen her earlier, but wasn't paying enough attention to them to know if she was with us.
Some final controls in the tech section, a final shortcut to the penultimate control, and it was off down the hill towards the finish. It was hard to read the map and terrain on the way down the difficult track to the final control. I got the first half right, and then took the right path at a junction instead of the left. I realised quickly, and cut across the open forest back to the one I needed. I must have cut across far more than intended and I came out within sight of the final control. Down the hill, nice and controlled to the finish.
At the finish I was struggling to make sense of the commentary. A great race I had had, and I knew it. But what were they saying! Hans Jørgen came up and said I was leading, by over 2 mins. But with 5 more riders to finish, and 5 of the world's best, I hoped I had done enough.
Some minutes later and I was announced as the winner and European Champion! Results
Finally! It's been a long road to get here, there have been ups and downs. Last years break did me the world of good, and I learnt more about what I need to compete than I could have had I kept plugging away trying to force results. Everything in the last 3 weeks has been building up the these championships: running through race routines before each competition (not the Z3 races!), not getting stressed by the small things (missing boats, poor sprint races etc!), and ensuring I was focussed for the races.
In the end the winning margin was 2 mins 13 to 2nd and 3.23 to 3rd. A decent margin considering how fast the first section was, compared to the final section.
As a final plus to the day, my split times to the final 4 controls were faster than HJ. Clearly I was riding faster than I thought!
There's now a recovery day with a couple hours of training tomorrow, while the relay is going (I have no team, as the only Brit here), and then Thursday will be the re-race of the Sprint. Friday is the mass start long distance. If I have the speed on the day I hope for another reasonable long distance performance.
After the stress of yesterday, we spent the evening relaxing being 'orienteers' and finding all the mistakes on the map. Not to complain about it, but merely for our own entertainment!
On the podium! |
Having spent some time training and preparing for this area, I knew how to handle the technical section. I knew to slow down, take it steady, read the map all the time and get every control right. All i had to do was get it right!
Once I left the pre-start for my 1km ride to the start, I felt more focussed and the negativity was gone. Seeing the other girls waiting wasn't a distraction. But I still felt apprehensive. The first sections would be fast and simpler nav. The last part, if all went as I expected, should be harder.
On picking up the map, I knew I had prepared well. Each of the route choices I had already planned to some degree. My map work had shown where the hills where, that the top wasn't as flat as it looked. And the valleys weren't as deep as they appeared in the eastern section. I knew to go as straight as possible. Not to get tempted to take a longer option - there wouldn't be any less climb.
Part 1 - W21E |
At the first control I met Scaravonati ITA, my 4 min woman. 'Yey, good choice. Ok. Next'. I picked nice routes to the next two controls, while maintaining enough speed to get me there quick, but not so fast I couldn't see the map to plan the long 4th.
At the fourth, Scaravonati still behind. I decided to go straight. 'Yes, it's difficult tracks, probably muddy. But it's straight. And faster'. I messed up the middle section a little, just starting to take the wrong path out, but I realised quickly and ran up the hill through the forest. Once out on the main track, sorted my map for the second half (a massive 46x39 map does not fit the whole course on a 30x30 mapboard). Fortunately I've had a lot of practise over the past weeks so I could refold while moving.
Part 2 |
Scaravonati was still on my tail - she'd pulled back a little on the hill. Some years ago, this would have really distracted me. But today I didn't think about it. The only thought I had, was that 2 minds are better than 1, and I hoped she was at least keeping track of where we were, in case I went horribly wrong.
I was a little caught out by how green the area was. Lots of young trees in the middle of the tracks (recent rain had made them grow much thicker). Perfect bike eating trees. Rear derailleur ripping, stick-in-wheel trees. Gotta risk going through at speed. There was nothing else for it. At least the riders before me had flattened them a little. Also enough that I could see where some of the paths went. I imagine the early riders had a tough time out there.
My speed was such that I could think clearly, read where I was going and plan the next control ahead. Any more planning ahead that that wasn't worth it. I'd forget my decision. At each junction I knew which way to go in advance of being there. Perfect focus and control all the time.
Technical section - dense green, small paths |
Some final controls in the tech section, a final shortcut to the penultimate control, and it was off down the hill towards the finish. It was hard to read the map and terrain on the way down the difficult track to the final control. I got the first half right, and then took the right path at a junction instead of the left. I realised quickly, and cut across the open forest back to the one I needed. I must have cut across far more than intended and I came out within sight of the final control. Down the hill, nice and controlled to the finish.
At the finish I was struggling to make sense of the commentary. A great race I had had, and I knew it. But what were they saying! Hans Jørgen came up and said I was leading, by over 2 mins. But with 5 more riders to finish, and 5 of the world's best, I hoped I had done enough.
Cecilia Thomasson SWE, Emily Benham GBR, Ingrid Stengard FIN |
Some minutes later and I was announced as the winner and European Champion! Results
Finally! It's been a long road to get here, there have been ups and downs. Last years break did me the world of good, and I learnt more about what I need to compete than I could have had I kept plugging away trying to force results. Everything in the last 3 weeks has been building up the these championships: running through race routines before each competition (not the Z3 races!), not getting stressed by the small things (missing boats, poor sprint races etc!), and ensuring I was focussed for the races.
In the end the winning margin was 2 mins 13 to 2nd and 3.23 to 3rd. A decent margin considering how fast the first section was, compared to the final section.
As a final plus to the day, my split times to the final 4 controls were faster than HJ. Clearly I was riding faster than I thought!
There's now a recovery day with a couple hours of training tomorrow, while the relay is going (I have no team, as the only Brit here), and then Thursday will be the re-race of the Sprint. Friday is the mass start long distance. If I have the speed on the day I hope for another reasonable long distance performance.
European Sprint Championships - Race 7
Zamosc Centre and expected finish location |
Some time ago I was told by one of my Kvarnsveden clubmates the map extract was Zamosc - he had found a key feature on the extract and matched it to the satellite image. It confirmed a feeling I'd had for a while that the sprint would be in Zamosc, despite the lack of embargo in the city.
A bit of internet research and Googling and I felt I had pinpointed the area the race would use. In total my preparation for the race probably came close to nearly two full months of training - most likely around 130-150 hrs. Some of this includes the preparation for the middle distance, but the vast majority was spent on Zamosc.
Naturally the day before the race I was nervous. I knew most likely how the courses could be and where the route choice's would be. I had figured out the start at the stadium and the finish and spectator control in the square. I knew I could win this, no matter what came my way. So imagine my surprise when the evening before it was announced the sprint could no longer be in Zamosc due to security of the road crossings. Oh F***. With a capital F!
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Narrow alley - Zamosc |
Parkland - Zamosc |
Come race day, I was nervous. My first 'official' outing as a red groupie. I had been in the red group some years ago for a weekend of racing due to one competitor not being present, so I was bumped up. Unlike last time, I felt I deserved my place there, and the confidence it brings.
I set off and took it steady to the first control. To the second I had a crash with a Finn who didn't see me. I didn't realise he hadn't seen me until too late. Both of us where off the bikes in different directions, and after a quick apology to each other I got my control and legged it!
Pic from Hungary last year |
I put this upset behind me straight away. At the control I saw the Barlet FRA who started 1 min after me. This helped re-focus me quickly and I quickly got back into the race. We rode together for a bit, neither one of us really gaining a lead, but helping each other through the controls. Barlet eventually missed a path so I got a gap.
As soon as I finished I had to complain about the gate. It turned out I wasn't the only one to find a problem. After much consultation between athletes, the organiser finally decided to void the women's race. The right decision to make. I lost a full 90 secs, possibly a little more. Many others lost more time some threw their bikes over the fence.
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Zamosc Map |
Sunday, 9 June 2013
Event 6 - Swedish Champs Long
The training plan that was put in place 6 weeks ago said that todays race should be Z3 HR rather than maximum intensity. After the middle distance I was feeling really motivated. I mean super super motivated. I wanted to go and kick ass there and then! HJ and I discussed the plan, and I decided to wait until morning before making a decision on how to approach the race.
D21 Part 1
I did a short warm up. No sprints or high intensity efforts, just a little pedalling to get warm. But during this pedalling I realised, that despite feeling tired I actually felt strong. I decided to stick to the plan, back off the intensity and focus on flowing navigation and good route choices.
The first few controls were steady, by number 6 I was in 3rd and 3 minutes down. I spent time in advance moving the A3 map in my Orifix board, so I could think about the coming route choices. After yesterday and missing the road option, I went along the road no.7, about a minute slower than the straightest option, but this one had a steep difficult descent and climb. My route was flat and easy. Had I been biking to maximum I think this route would have been 40 seconds or so faster.
I turned the map just after no.7 and used the same return to route to no.8 so I could plan ahead again. No.9 I went around the road as I didn't know the quality of the dotted path. But since no.9 was at the top of the hill (a sandy hill) I took the dotted path back to the road on the way to no.10. I think I got these routes right as I had the fastest times here (of the SM women). Again to no.10 I had the fastest time, despite maintaining the same pace!
No.11 felt like another crux RC leg. I chose to stay to what I knew, as there didn't seem to be much in the routes anyway. I stuck on the flat track, went past one of yesterdays controls and out onto the slow track (where I knew part of it had compact sand at the edge). I gambled the rest of the track was a similar good condition. I also wanted to avoid going past the marsh on the east RC as there were more contours here and thus more climb. From my track I had a small climb but a direct line in and not much thinking. Again, I had the fastest time here!
D21 Part 2
After that it was straightforward navigation for a few controls. The first control after the map change was a leg I had planned the night before and felt would be logical after the map change! I knew I had to go towards the ravine but then take the path that clipped the top of it, rather than getting muddled on the others. Fastest time.
The final sections of the course were a bit of a sprint. I climbed the hill and would have have another good split, but I stopped to remove a stick from my wheel, and then overshot the control which was on a parallel path. Should have seen this while riding on the road but let's face it - I switched off a little!
D21 Part 3
Then some urban controls with some split times mixing with the fastest.
I was 4.5 mins behind Cecilia at the first map change, and pulled back another 90 secs in the second half. My HR data shows I did keep a moderate pace throughout and didn't speed up after the map change. The course was mostly Z3/Z4, and this was a good mental and navigational performance. To only be 4 mins behind the winner from Denmark over such a fast course (the majority was on fast roads and tracks), I am pleased with this!
Another 2nd place in SM, but 5th today including the open classes. The result should have been higher with another maximum performance but I'll take it for now. The European Champs next week are the focus. I would rather be recovered in 2 days than in 5 days (had the race been max, based on last weeks recovery times).
Race 5 - Swedish Champs Middle
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D21 part 1 |
The first control was easy, but it was controls 2 and 3 that caused all my problems. I realised later I have never encountered this style of terrain before - notably that in the area of 2 and 3. The terrain is moderately hilly, and the mess of contours make little sense while biking (or stood still) as the terrain is formed of 20-30m high hills with depressions between. The paths also, follow no structure here. They are neither solely on ridges or in valleys, but instead form a random unpredictable pattern in the terrain.
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D21 part 2 (1) |
To 3 again, I stuck with the route I knew, getting a little stuck in sand on the sharp corners, and lost another 40 seconds. Less than before, but the general downhill nature of the early paths helped a little.
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D21 part 2 (2) |
By this point I was 3 minutes behind, but naturally didn't know this. I saw Cecilia on my way to no.7 and figured she had gained a couple of minutes on me.
However, to 8, 9 and 10 I found I understood things a bit more, and started to mingle in the other competitors split times. I'm not sure why I suddenly changed mentally here, but I started to know which would be the better choices. Rather than guessing and not succeeding.
I spent time thinking about the next leg, and chose to stay on the flat. Longer than the north route, but safer navigation and a chance to pedal.
Using the easier navigation on this leg I could think more about the next one. At first I felt going over the medium path to the south was better, but on closer inspection saw the contours and small hill tops. Instead I chose to take a risk and take the slow track to the north. In fact this turned out to be rather fast, the sand was harder at the edges where cars have driven and soft in the middle. Crossing the middle was treacherous, but in the end I was much faster than my other competitors on this leg.
Race face (Jonas Bierson) |
SM Middle Medal winners (Sven Ake Nordenmark) |
Friday, 7 June 2013
Race 4 - Swedish Champs Sprint
The Swedish Champs weekend are being held in Borlange, close to where HJ and I lived in Falun until a little more than a week ago. Our Swedish club, Kvarnsvedens GoIF OK, are hosting the competitions.
The first competition of the weekend was the Sprint, with first starts at 5pm in the afternoon. The weekend is competitive, as 5 of the Danish women and Ingrid Stengard FIN, have made the trip here, so along with Cecilia Thomasson SWE there are 5 women from the top 20 in the world. Any performances are therefore a good gauge of fitness as all the women here have potential to win medals in the Europeans in two weeks time.
I was fortunate to be one of the later starters but with all day to prepare I was feeling nervous by the time I could start!
But despite the nerves, I pulled out a good race to win by 1 sec over Cecilia. I also finished some minutes ahead of the Danes and Ingrid, so it's a performance that I'm relatively pleased with. I was leading overall for most of the SM course apart from two controls. If the Danes are taken into account, I took the lead after the 8th control, having been a few seconds behind until this point.
Mostly the race was ok. I lost a few seconds to no.2 but the simple RC gave me opportunity to plan later (an opportunity I should have used to plan the long leg!). The first part of the course was deceptive and planning ahead the forest controls was crucial. Here the orienteering became far more challenging with paths everywhere, and at high speeds, they could be easy to miss. It was enough to keep track of where I was and wanted to go, so planning the long leg was put by the wayside.
Idiot! A snap decision. North to the railway. 30 seconds slower than south on the roads, and a 50 secs slower than going through the middle. About 10-15 seconds were lost near the control, with a steep sandy climb, a push off the bike. The other two options had a nicer route into the control and no climb whatsoever. At this point I was two seconds behind the overall lead having had more than a 30 second advantage.
Map change on the move, more standing punches - just enough to hear the beep and see the flash. A risk that the punch may not register, but by the time the SI card is in the unit, I'm already accelerating away.
A few more good controls, then somehow an awesomely fast leg. I felt this could be one of the key legs. Two options were presented, through the big depression or to the left on the flat. I think I gained most of my time on the exit from the control here. After the long leg I had regained my lead to a mere one sec and then extended it to 10 secs by the road crossing.
No.19 another risk. Hard to see the cut through path while riding. But it was there. My eyes didn't not deceive! And then came no.20. I stopped to check the map at the foot of the hill as the circle of no.20 was obscuring a path. I rode on, made the turn and then skidded past the control. At least I could punch on the move as I rode back up the hill, but it lost my 14 sec advantage. Now for the toughest part of the course. The final 2 control sprint. over the bridge, punch, follow the tapes, punch, race for the line. I'm glad my speed has improved this year as while my times were a second slower than Cecilia, I held the lead. Just.
One second separated us at the finish. Close one! But my first Swedish Champs title.
Photos to follow later!
The first competition of the weekend was the Sprint, with first starts at 5pm in the afternoon. The weekend is competitive, as 5 of the Danish women and Ingrid Stengard FIN, have made the trip here, so along with Cecilia Thomasson SWE there are 5 women from the top 20 in the world. Any performances are therefore a good gauge of fitness as all the women here have potential to win medals in the Europeans in two weeks time.
D21 Part 1 |
But despite the nerves, I pulled out a good race to win by 1 sec over Cecilia. I also finished some minutes ahead of the Danes and Ingrid, so it's a performance that I'm relatively pleased with. I was leading overall for most of the SM course apart from two controls. If the Danes are taken into account, I took the lead after the 8th control, having been a few seconds behind until this point.
Mostly the race was ok. I lost a few seconds to no.2 but the simple RC gave me opportunity to plan later (an opportunity I should have used to plan the long leg!). The first part of the course was deceptive and planning ahead the forest controls was crucial. Here the orienteering became far more challenging with paths everywhere, and at high speeds, they could be easy to miss. It was enough to keep track of where I was and wanted to go, so planning the long leg was put by the wayside.
Idiot! A snap decision. North to the railway. 30 seconds slower than south on the roads, and a 50 secs slower than going through the middle. About 10-15 seconds were lost near the control, with a steep sandy climb, a push off the bike. The other two options had a nicer route into the control and no climb whatsoever. At this point I was two seconds behind the overall lead having had more than a 30 second advantage.
D21 Part 2 (Sorry for being 90° rotated!) |
A few more good controls, then somehow an awesomely fast leg. I felt this could be one of the key legs. Two options were presented, through the big depression or to the left on the flat. I think I gained most of my time on the exit from the control here. After the long leg I had regained my lead to a mere one sec and then extended it to 10 secs by the road crossing.
No.19 another risk. Hard to see the cut through path while riding. But it was there. My eyes didn't not deceive! And then came no.20. I stopped to check the map at the foot of the hill as the circle of no.20 was obscuring a path. I rode on, made the turn and then skidded past the control. At least I could punch on the move as I rode back up the hill, but it lost my 14 sec advantage. Now for the toughest part of the course. The final 2 control sprint. over the bridge, punch, follow the tapes, punch, race for the line. I'm glad my speed has improved this year as while my times were a second slower than Cecilia, I held the lead. Just.
Photos to follow later!
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Race 3 - Denmark Long
Sometime in the near future, I will start coming up with more interesting names for posts! But for now, Race 3 - Denmark Long will suffice.
Lessons learned from Daniel Hubmann nearly became Friday's title, as on arriving at the start I realised my GPS watch is magnetic, as north on my compass was about 45° off from where I expected. Perhaps Mr Hubmann can be excused for his mistake a few weeks ago! If you missed reading about it, you can find it here.
Onto the race on Sunday. My second of two hard races over the weekend. Warming up I felt my legs were a little sluggish, but after some sprints I at least felt they were better.
At the start I was ahead of the Danes - Hoffmann, Søgaard, Lisbygd and a few others. It was a good position to start in (not optimal as I was being chased) but good for me to feel under pressure all the way and start with athletes chasing me.
I started well, picking a good route to the first control. Disaster struck for 30 secs on the approach to the control where I slipped on a root, and somehow the chain dropped off the front chain ring and back cassette . It took 30 secs to put back on, while getting a little knotted in the process which again needed sorting out. But 30 secs at the beginning of the course is no biggie - I should have been on for a time around the fastest split here, highly unusual for me on the first control. I saw my 2 min woman here so knew I had gained a lot of time.
I knew the best route to 2 was to go left on the big tracks, but on seeing my 2 min woman, I changed my mind, took a risk to go right. The risk was based on the fact the path into no.1 was marked as 'slow' but actually good riding. My second option to no.2 was along the 'slow' path to the right of the straight line. As the path to no.1 was good, I decided the risk was worth taking if I could gain some more seconds.
It was not worth it! About 100m into the path, the mud began, and carried on until I hit the fast path. Two mins binned here.
On the way to no.3 I was my two min woman again, but knew she had pulled back about a minute on me with my error earlier. On the way to 4 I didn't want to turn around and go the same way, so I carried on straight, taking a longer route and losing another minute.
On the approach to no.4 I saw Nina, my -2min woman who had clearly gained time on my mistake to no.2 and then overtaken on the mistake early on to no.4. I pulled her back and sat behind her for a couple of controls - taking time to plan the rest of part 1 of the map and waiting for my chance to ride away.
At control 7, the opportunity presented itself. I had decided in advance I would take the north route to no.7 as the line into the control seemed better. I could then carry on without turning on the way to no.8. Nina and Caroline (my 2 min woman who I finally caught at 6) went to the south, so I stuck with my plan and went north. I was about 30 secs faster here and saw them on my way to no.8. I then lost 20 secs just after no.7 as the path was bad. I should have turned at the control. I reached no.8 before them, but saw they were not far behind.
Another route choice where I stuck to my plan that had been decided some controls earlier. I went south this time, taking a nice line into the control. Again, this was a little faster than the north route Nina took.
The route to no.12 was another decision leg. Was it faster to go right out of the control and straight up the fast track, or go left and chance it on a medium path? The latter was the shorter route, but the former was easier biking. I opted for the latter, but rode up the road for a few metres before turning after a few secs. Turning at no.12 I saw Nina was right back behind me, so I knew I had to hold it together. I also knew as long as she kept me insight, she was unlikely to make a mistake, and therefore finding 2 mins at the end of the course was going to be hard.
No.13 after my lesson from no.2 I stuck with the big path. I also knew the quality of the paths around no.13 was poor, so I kept my route in simple.
Control 15 was a leg that split Nina and I, both trying to take a different route to gain some ground. I went straighter, she went faster. We arrived at no.15 with Nina a second or two ahead. After that, with one control left, I sat behind again. Nina however was much smoother on the singletrack sections and pulled a few seconds away. Guess it must be those 27.5 inch wheels! She certainly carried speed well on the corners and roots. I pulled back at little to no.16 and it was then to get to the finish.
I finished 4th today. Nina won in 1.27.34, Lisbygd in 1.28.54, Søgaard in 1.29.29, and me 1.29.49. There was then a sizeable 10 min gap to 5th.
It's hard to say what could have been without my mistake early on. Without the 2 min time loss to no.2, I wouldn't have taken the idiot's route to 4 (the idiot's route hadn't been in my plan for the leg). But without Nina around, would I have sustained the high pace for so long? Likewise, I wonder if Nina hadn't caught me so early whether she also would have carried on pushing maximum all the way to the finish. I certainly think it would have been a very different race!
The long distance doesn't feature in my plans for the year. Today was only raced hard because I planned an easier day on Saturday. All my training has been geared towards the sprint and middle races, so for me to have been focussed on the long and been relatively close to the leaders was a good thing! Yesterdays extensive route choice focus seemed to have helped today (mostly!) and after the first part of the course, the routes I took were generally faster.
Lessons learned from Daniel Hubmann nearly became Friday's title, as on arriving at the start I realised my GPS watch is magnetic, as north on my compass was about 45° off from where I expected. Perhaps Mr Hubmann can be excused for his mistake a few weeks ago! If you missed reading about it, you can find it here.
Onto the race on Sunday. My second of two hard races over the weekend. Warming up I felt my legs were a little sluggish, but after some sprints I at least felt they were better.
At the start I was ahead of the Danes - Hoffmann, Søgaard, Lisbygd and a few others. It was a good position to start in (not optimal as I was being chased) but good for me to feel under pressure all the way and start with athletes chasing me.
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Part 1 |
I knew the best route to 2 was to go left on the big tracks, but on seeing my 2 min woman, I changed my mind, took a risk to go right. The risk was based on the fact the path into no.1 was marked as 'slow' but actually good riding. My second option to no.2 was along the 'slow' path to the right of the straight line. As the path to no.1 was good, I decided the risk was worth taking if I could gain some more seconds.
It was not worth it! About 100m into the path, the mud began, and carried on until I hit the fast path. Two mins binned here.
On the way to no.3 I was my two min woman again, but knew she had pulled back about a minute on me with my error earlier. On the way to 4 I didn't want to turn around and go the same way, so I carried on straight, taking a longer route and losing another minute.
On the approach to no.4 I saw Nina, my -2min woman who had clearly gained time on my mistake to no.2 and then overtaken on the mistake early on to no.4. I pulled her back and sat behind her for a couple of controls - taking time to plan the rest of part 1 of the map and waiting for my chance to ride away.
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Part 2 |
Another route choice where I stuck to my plan that had been decided some controls earlier. I went south this time, taking a nice line into the control. Again, this was a little faster than the north route Nina took.
The route to no.12 was another decision leg. Was it faster to go right out of the control and straight up the fast track, or go left and chance it on a medium path? The latter was the shorter route, but the former was easier biking. I opted for the latter, but rode up the road for a few metres before turning after a few secs. Turning at no.12 I saw Nina was right back behind me, so I knew I had to hold it together. I also knew as long as she kept me insight, she was unlikely to make a mistake, and therefore finding 2 mins at the end of the course was going to be hard.
No.13 after my lesson from no.2 I stuck with the big path. I also knew the quality of the paths around no.13 was poor, so I kept my route in simple.
Control 15 was a leg that split Nina and I, both trying to take a different route to gain some ground. I went straighter, she went faster. We arrived at no.15 with Nina a second or two ahead. After that, with one control left, I sat behind again. Nina however was much smoother on the singletrack sections and pulled a few seconds away. Guess it must be those 27.5 inch wheels! She certainly carried speed well on the corners and roots. I pulled back at little to no.16 and it was then to get to the finish.
Sunset from Jønkoping (unaltered image!) |
It's hard to say what could have been without my mistake early on. Without the 2 min time loss to no.2, I wouldn't have taken the idiot's route to 4 (the idiot's route hadn't been in my plan for the leg). But without Nina around, would I have sustained the high pace for so long? Likewise, I wonder if Nina hadn't caught me so early whether she also would have carried on pushing maximum all the way to the finish. I certainly think it would have been a very different race!
The long distance doesn't feature in my plans for the year. Today was only raced hard because I planned an easier day on Saturday. All my training has been geared towards the sprint and middle races, so for me to have been focussed on the long and been relatively close to the leaders was a good thing! Yesterdays extensive route choice focus seemed to have helped today (mostly!) and after the first part of the course, the routes I took were generally faster.
Saturday, 1 June 2013
Event 2 - Danish middle
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Part 1 |
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Part 2 |
It's difficult to not race when in a race environment. The competitive instinct kicks in each time someone rides past, and the impulse to chase and overtake is hard to ignore. But with my watch bleeping every few minutes notifying my my HR was above 170, it was a welcome reminder to slow the pace.
But with a slower pace, comes increased brain space. And increased brain space brings more thought of route choices, racing thoughts, songs, future and past conversations, and thoughts about competitors. I think it's ok to have 'down' days with orienteering (as long as they are decided before and not spontaneously during the race) . Being on top of your game and focussing 100% all the time just leads to mental fatigue and ultimately less motivation (some months down the line).
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Part 3 |
There were two main errors to the race. The first and worst, was a mis-relocation error - in hindsight (oh, such a wonderful thing) I should have known I was on the fast path, not the slow one and turned right instead. After a minute of not finding the railway crossing, I turned and went 20m past my original point to find the tunnel I needed.
The second was stupid and not following my own advice I wrote down last year - STICK TO YOUR PLAN!
Nina Hoffman caught me during the aforementioned mistake, and after that I was seeing her regularly. On the way to no.12 I saw she was riding the asphalt road to no.13, and once I punched 12, decided her route was better - NOT. After hitting the road I realised my error, and stupidity of not following my own plan. -90 seconds and an embarrassing mistake to make.

Near the end of the course, the area became more technical. More thought was required to stay on the ball and not miss a control or path. Here I found some flow and had a fastest split to no.18 (my only one of the day) and was much closer in time to the Danes.
I finished 4th, 6 mins behind Camilla Søgaard. Considering my speed was 3kmph+ less than yesterday, a 6 min deficit isn't so bad. It could easily have been more had the Danes not been making mistakes too. My HR was fluctuating between z2 and z4 with the majority of the course in z3. The difference in speed is really noticeable from moderate intensity to max!
I'm looking forward to tomorrows long distance, and being able to push hard again. I love feeling focussed on races and using all my brain power for the course, not thinking about it so hard and everything else too. While the long distance isn't my favourite discipline, I feel ready to bring some pace into the race and get my game face on. A repeat of yesterday's performance will be welcome
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